Bullying Prevention
Bullying Prevention Month
During the month of October, we will celebrate National Bullying Prevention Month in many ways. There will be announcements, Unity Day and PEAK (Advisory) lessons for our students and staff each week regarding bullying prevention. Grade level counselors will facilitate lessons covering specific topics pertaining to bullying.
Counseling Lesson Topics :
6th grade will provide an overview: Bully, Victim, Bystander and what to do if they witness bullying.
7th grade will implement Sexual Harassment
8th grade will concentrate on Cyber and Online bullying.
What do I do if I need to report an incident?
Contact a grade level Dean or Counselor. Please be prepared to provide the names of all students involved. We understand that students ask their parents not to share names with us, but it makes it very difficult to take care of these situations without gathering all of the information from all parties involved.
Grade Level Contacts
6th Grade
Dean: Scott Lewis
6th Grade Counselor: Sarah Fronckel (Last names A - Ma) and Elizabeth Grossman (Last names Mb - Z)
7th Grade
Dean: James Mulreany
7th Grade Counselor: Sue Cowan (Last names A - L) and Shenita Chapman (Last names M-Z)
8th Grade
Dean: Desmond Wilczewski
8th Grade Counselor: Stefanie Hamilton (Last names A-L) and Noah Kachman (Last names M-Z)
MMS Bully Prevention Coordinators - Wesley Harris and Dr. Kelsey Malone
Mercer Main Contact Number: 703-957 - 4340
Bullying Prevention Resources
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