• PBIS allows all Macaws to have a common language

  • Being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE AND READY to learn are not just character traits we want our Macaws to display at school.  We are training champions for life!


  • We want all Mighty Macaws to consider themselves, the school, and everyone in the community when making choices.

PBIS Implementation

There are a variety of activities we do to implement our PBIS program 

  • We introduce students to our school motto...” A Mighty Macaw is always RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE AND READY!


  • We participate in classroom lessons in which students talk about appropriate and inappropriate behaviors around the school.  To start these discussions, teachers had their classrooms complete A Mighty Macaw in the Classroom is…” POSTERS!”    


  • We hang POSTERS up around the school as a reminder of expected behaviors.


  • We participate in a positive incentive plan by allowing classes to earn STICKERS for behavior during specials, in the hallways, or cafeteria.  The class with the most stickers ant the end of the month wins a prize!  **Prizes are determined at the individual classroom levels**


  • We recognize one student from each class who displays our CHARACTER COUNTS for that month.


  • We hold QUARTERLY ASSEMBLIES to recognize our Mighty and Marvelous Macaws.

Student Recognition & Celebrations

As part of our PBIS, we focus on a specific character trait each month.  Students can be recognized each month for exhibiting these specific character traits.  As well, throughout the year, 2 students from each classroom are awarded the quarterly Marvelous and Mighty awards for citizenship and effort.

Monthly Focus


Another way that we celebrate the hard work of our students is earning POM POMs.  POM POMs are earned by exhibiting positive behavior in the classroom and throughout the building.  Students in their classrooms can earn celebrations by filling their classroom POM POM jar.  As well, when a classroom fills their POM POM jar...a large POM POM is added to the office POM POM jar.  Once the Office POM POM jar is filled, students participate in a school wide celebration.



Classroom and Building Expectations

Each classroom in the building has a matrix for rules and expectations to be presented.  These expectations are created at the beginning of the year with input from students.  These expectations are also reviewed throughout the year.  As well, in different areas of the building there are reminders of expectations - such as cafeteria, hallway, bathroom, etc.  These serve as helpful reminders of what positive behaviors are expected in the building.
