English Learner Services at Rosa Lee Carter Elementary

When you register your child for school in Loudoun County, your registration form asks what languages are spoken in your home.  If you list any language other than English, your child will be screened to determine if he/she is eligible to receive English Learner (EL) services.  If your child qualifies, he/she will receive support inside his/her regular classroom from an EL teacher.  Students may also be pulled from class for individual or group lessons.  The support a student receives fluctuates based on the individual and immediate need of that student. Our goal is for students to be successful in their classroom while working towards mastery of the four domains of the English language – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  A child may be a fluent English speaker and still qualify for EL services based on a composite test score that includes reading and writing (see WIDA ACCESS tab). Research indicates that it takes between 2 and 5 years for an EL student to develop proficiency in social language, and 3 to 7 years to develop proficiency in academic language.  The EL specialists are here to assist students and help them progress towards a high level of both social and academic English language proficiency.

Click the image below for Multilingual Family Resources: