Interpreter Services

Language Assistance Services are interpretation and translation services offered by the Office of Outreach Services to make school communication accessible to all families in LCPS. This communication is fulfilled by:

Interpretation services:

  • Hourly Interpreters

  • Language Line

  • Private Contractor arranged by Office of Outreach Services

  • Bilingual Staff hired as an Interpreter by the Office of Outreach Services (if appropriate)

Translation services

  • Outreach Services translation staff

  • Private Contractor arranged by Office of Outreach Services

Methods of interpretation by an LCPS interpreter:

  • Phone

  • Google Meet

  • In Person

An Interpreter can be used for any school event, including:

  • IEP Meetings

  • Scheduled meetings

  • Phone calls to parents

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • Back-to-School Nights

  • Enrollment Assistance

  • School Counseling Conferences

  • Emergency Communications 

  • Speech and Language Screenings/Evaluations

  • Educational Assessment for Eligibility 

  • Eligibility Meetings