Ways to Help Families in Need

Welcome to the Sanders Corner Needs Network

Need assistance?  As your Family Liaison, I want to be more effective in identifying and meeting the needs of our families while maintaining privacy.  If you are a family who anticipates needing assistance of any kind this year, please complete the Sanders Corner Community Needs survey below:

Sanders Corner Family Assistance Form

Want to help?  Throughout the year, some of our students may need simple things, such as school supplies, coats, shoes, snacks, etc. For some families, this could be a heavy burden. If you would like to provide help from time to time, please complete this form and I will be in touch. Small contributions made on an as-needed basis from our school families can make a huge difference. You can help make learning a much easier and rewarding experience for students who need it most. All Needs Network contributors and recipients will remain anonymous. I hope you'll consider contributing!

Confidentiality of families will be protected.