Spanish Club

Looking for a club?  Want to learn about different cultures, food, music and more?  Spanish Club is the club for you! 

Who are we?
Students who are interested in learning more about the culture and language of Spanish-speaking countries.

What do we do?
We celebrate typical holidays, learn to dance, do community service projects, try new foods and much more!

When do we meet?
We meet about once a month during Activity Period.

Where do we meet?
In L210

Are there dues?
Yes, $10 per person.  Dues allow us to purchase food and materials for our activities.

To join Spanish Club, visit SeƱor Traynham (L210) to receive a pass.

For more information, email us !


  • President Gulmina Qazi

  • VP Kartika Lanka

  • Treasurer Allison Saadah

  • Secretary Sadaf Ashurova

  • Social Chair Kylie McLaughlin

  • Freshman Rep Cole Allen

  • Sophomore Rep Shahnoor Qazi