School Counseling
Scroll down to find quick links to the senior college application process, summer assignments, and presentations.
Hours: 8:00-4:30
Phone: 703-957-4402
CEEB Code: 470-061
Click here to schedule an appointment with your counselor (STUDENTS ONLY)
The "BWHS Counseling Appointments" link will be unavailable from 1/20/2025-3/28/2025. During this time counselors will be contacting students individually to discuss course selection for next school year. Please be patient as counselors have a total of 1300+ students to meet with.
Meet Our Team

Mr. Green, Director of School Counseling Email Jessie Green

Mrs. Gresh, Counselor, Grades 9-12, A-B Email Shannon Gresh

Mr. Atlee, Counselor, Grades 9-12, C-E Email Timothy Atlee

Ms. James, Counselor, Grades 9-12, F-I Email Susan James

Mrs. Burg, Counselor, Grades 9-12, J-L Email Elizabeth Dekenipp

Mrs. Rouse, Counselor, Grades 9-12, M-O Email Tobi Rouse

Mrs. Pond, Counselor, Grades 9-12, P-SAN

Ms. Holland, Counselor, Grades 9-12, SAP-TE Email Erin Holland

Mr. Diamond, Counselor, Grades 9-12, TH, Z Email Joseph Diamond

Mrs. Quimby, School Social Worker Email Kristin Quimby

Dr. Peoples, School Psychologist

Mrs. Grewal, Student Assistance Specialist Email Jashan Grewal

Mrs. Wales, Career Center Specialist Email Casey Wales

Mrs. Spiotto, Family Liaison Email Sue Spiotto

Mrs. LeFew, Registrar Email Ericka Lefew

Ms. Lawson, School Counseling Secretary Email Corina Lawson
Quick Links
Attention Users: Our goal is to provide comprehensive information that will help support you and your student as you navigate the many options beyond high school. The content of outside links is not controlled by Loudoun County Public Schools and we do not endorse any specific link or confirm that the information is accurate. While school staff review links when they are inserted, the content may change. If you find any linked home page content you consider inappropriate, please bring the matter to the attention of the building principal. Remember that the outside source Web page may link to other pages that have not been reviewed; explore at your own risk.