School Counselors
Welcome to Cool Spring!
Your School Counselors* are Ms. Roberts, Mrs. Piodela, and Ms. Doleman.
To contact us regarding the 2024-25 school year:
Melissa Roberts (primary support for grades 1, 3, 5): Email Ms. Roberts
Janine Piodela (primary support for grades K, 2, 4): Email Mrs. Piodela
Briah Doleman (secondary support grades 2-5): Email Briah Doleman
Your School Social Worker is Laura Zettlemoyer: Email Laura Zettlemoyer
Your School Psychologist is Caitlin Cells: Email Caitlin Cells
*The school counselor is the first point of contact for initial student concerns. The school counselor will collaborate and plan for supports with other school-based mental health team members (i.e., school psychologist, school social worker, student assistance specialist), as appropriate.
School Counseling Program Components (ASCA)
Our Vision:
Cool Spring Elementary students embrace and thrive in a culturally diverse learning environment that develops children who are caring, considerate and compassionate. We believe students who are taught to be inquisitive, responsible, communicative, and motivated will embrace lifelong learning and make positive, meaningful contributions in this ever changing world.
Our Mission:
The Cool Spring Counseling Program is comprehensive and dedicated to providing a safe, caring, and nurturing environment to all students differing in diversity and developmental needs. The department advocates for students through communication with staff, community, and families to ensure confidence and success academically, socially, and emotionally. Fostering resiliency, building confidence, and healthy relationships in our students through guidance lessons, groups, and individual counseling will provide them with lifelong tools to lead fulfilling lives.
Belief Statements:
All students have dignity and worth
All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program.
All students’ gender, ethnic, cultural, and racial differences as well as any special needs of the student are considered in the planning and implementation of the school counseling program.
All students shall have access to a full time, state certified master’s degree – level counselor.
The school counseling program
Shall allow all students to have access to a school counselor to discuss personal issues.
Shall be consistent with expected developmental stages of learning.
Shall utilize the many combined resources of the community.
Shall be based on professional mandates and guidelines proposed by the National School Counselor Association.
Shall be reviewed and updated based on yearly collected data
The school counselors
Shall abide by the professional ethics of guidance and counseling as advocated by the American School Counselor Association.
Shall participate in professional development activities essential to maintaining a quality school counseling program.
ParentGuidance.org is an online service by licensed therapists that provides trusted and specialized courses, professional support and a safe community for parents to learn how to support their children and get answers to mental health questions.

Cool Spring ES Mental Health Team
Cool Spring Elementary School’s Unified Mental Health Team (UMHT) – comprised of school counselors, psychologist, and social worker – offers mental health services and supports to enhance student social, emotional, and behavioral growth. This team of school-based mental health professionals works with students, families, school staff, and outside providers to promote a positive school environment that supports student success and ability to cope with challenges through direct (e.g., classroom curriculum, group counseling and individual counseling) and indirect (e.g., collaborating or consulting with staff, families or communities) methods.
Click the names/links below to contact team members. - (571)252-2890
SchooLinks is a modern, college and career readiness platform to prepare students for what comes after graduation. SchooLinks helps students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create an individualized career and academic plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. SchooLinks at Loudoun County Public Schools is accessible in Kindergarten through 12th grade by students and their parents. SchooLinks features are incredibly user-friendly and were designed to streamline the college and career readiness workflow for counselors and staff.
This platform is designed to meet the needs of our students as they make meaningful contributions to the world!
What Students and Families Can Do
Access to K-5 platform with college and career exploration lessons and activities
Portfolio building capabilities for K-12th grade students
Access career interest, strength and mindset surveys
Explore 2-year and 4-year colleges as well as take virtual reality college campus tours
Search for scholarships and learn about financial aid
Explore traditional, emerging and military career fields and internship/volunteer opportunities
Create digital portfolios and resumes
Build ACP and ACPP
Communicate with counselors
School business partnership portal
LCPS School Counselors are currently undergoing training in SchooLinks, and while they learn more about the platform, we ask that questions about SchooLinks be directed to: Email SchooLinks .