Course Planner


Course Planner is an interactive tool, a part of the SchooLinks platform, that easily allows students to select courses and indicate their interest in academic pathways. Students will also clearly be able to see what course requirements have been met to support short and long-term planning for graduation.

Course Planner will enable school counselors to digitally review student course plans and view students' progression toward meeting graduation requirements. It is important to keep in mind that Course Planner is a planning platform useful for students, parents/guardians and counselors to plot the student’s educational pathway and is not the student’s schedule.

Parents/guardians will have access to review their student’s course requests and multi-year plans to actively engage in academic advising with their student. For parents/guardians who have previously supported their students with course selection, Course Planner replaces the course selection process in StudentVue and ParentVue

What Will Students Plan For?

As students progress through their LCPS academic journeys, they have increased options to select classes that both fulfill the requirements for graduation and meet their personal interests. Below are the course categories in which students select classes.

  • Rising 6th Graders -select four core classes – Math, English, Social Science/History, Science, and Music. 

  • Rising 7th Graders- select four core classes – Math, English, Social Science/History Science, and two electives. These students begin to plan their path to graduation, which they revisit and revise each year. 

  • Rising 8th through Rising 12th Graders- select courses for the upcoming school year. These students also begin to plan their path to graduation, which they revisit and revise each year.

Information Session

Course Planner FAQ

Course Planner Video

Student Guides

Parent/Guardian Guides

Course Catalog Guide