Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

What is PBIS?

PBIS is a researched-based approach to effective discipline being implemented throughout LCPS.  

  • The school's vision sets the stage for success. 

  • The school community shares the common language.

  • Common practices are used consistently among students and staff in all areas.

  • Staff clearly define and teach expectations. 

  • Schools develop a continuum of procedures for supporting positive and addressing negative behavior.  

  • PBIS teams continuously monitor for effeciveness and data analysis drives decision-making.

Why implement PBIS at Elaine E. Thompson Elementary School?

  • increase school community support and collaboration

  • increase the positive school climate

  • increase academic achievement

  • reduce office referrals & suspensions 

For more information on PBIS in Loudoun, please visit the following links:

You can also visit some outside PBIS resources: