Pup Productions-Student Created Ventures

SharkCast Podcast

In order for our community to learn about our community, we have created a podcast. Shark Cast, as named by our students, is based on areas of interest that we want to share about our school. Each month, the Instructional Facilitator of Technology leads 5th grade students to work from writing to producing our podcast.
It is the students' responsibility to complete the process each time.This team is split into 3 sections: writers, interviewers and producers. As a team, we select the topic for the upcoming release. Next, the writers create a script to include questions for our focus group. The interviewers email invitations to our guest requesting dates for the interviewer and follow up with the questions they will be asked. During the interview, they lead the conversation. Finally, the producers edit the recording and get it ready to be released. It is released on our website, social media and Spotify. If you have any questions, please reach out to the IFT, Mrs. Kuzma.