Gifted Education

     The LCPS Gifted Program underwent a redesign in SY 2021-22. Now, all students who receive gifted services will do so at their home school. Here at Evergreen Mill, I am spearheading enrichment programs through the four LCPS gifted service vehicles: FUSIONDCISEARCH, and EDGE.

Click here to view the SY23-24 LCPS GIFTED PROGRAMS WEBINAR

The four gifted education programs at Evergreen Mill are:

SEARCH for K-3 Students - Push-In Lessons Begin the First Week of School

  • Grades K-1 - 25-minute, biweekly, hands-on SEARCH lessons focus on the five thinking keys - perceiving, reasoning, connecting, creating, and evaluating. 

  • Grades 2-3 - 50-minute biweekly SEARCH lessons build and expand on the five thinking keys (perceiving, reasoning, connecting, creating, and evaluating). Lessons are frequently tiered for increased challenge while maintaining accessibility for all learners. Collaboration is central with partner or group work.

FUSION for Identified 4th-5th Students - Two Hours Weekly - Starts w/o 9/5

  • Two hours of pull-out enrichment for 4th and 5th grade students who have been formally identified for gifted services. FUSION, formerly FUTURA, bolsters critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills through collaborative, exploratory, real-world activities.

  • FUSION alternates annually between two themes: Innovation and Leadership. For SY23-24, the theme is leadership, so we'll be investigating leaders, learning about leadership skills and traits, and being leaders in our school community.

DCI - Differentiated Classroom Instruction - for Identified 4th-5th Students -  Starts w/o 9/5

Weekly enrichment for 4th and 5th grade students who, during the gifted identification process, exhibited advanced performance in Language Arts or Math. Students will receive services through a combination of push-in (in their classroom) or pull-out (in the gifted resource room) format.

EDGE - Empowering Diversity in Gifted Education - for Select 2nd-5th Students - Starts w/o 9/18

EDGE is designed to identify and nurture potential in 2nd-5th grade students who are from historically underrepresented populations. 

  • Grades 2-3 - Meets for 30 minutes weekly in the gifted resource room. (2nd grade EDGE starts in late January/early February).

  • Grades 4-5 - Meets for 45 minutes every other week in the gifted resource room.

For further information about these programs--or about the LCPS gifted identification process--please see the separate links listed on the left side of the EMES gifted education home page.  

4th and 5th Grade Referral Form can be found here (Under Notifications)



Click here to visit the LCPS Gifted Education Website

LCPS Gifted Education Brochure (slightly outdated but still useful)