School Counseling

Welcome to Evergreen Mills Elementary School Counseling Page.

Mrs. Woodward and Ms Demory are here to help all students reach their full potential academically, mentally, and socially.

Overview of Evergreen Mill Elementary School Counseling Department Mission:

The Evergreen Mill School Counseling Program provides child-centered, developmental, and preventive services that promote students' academic, social/ emotional, and career awareness at each stage of their de­velopment. Evergreen Mill believes when children are provided a safe and nurturing environment they reach their highest potential. Our program is based on the belief that a strong partnership between home, school, and community is necessary to create a safe and supportive learning environment.  We offer supports to ensure academics, social, and emotional growth.   We provide counseling services that are inclusive and re­spectful of student and staff differences in gen­der, religion, ethnicity, race, ability, handicap­ping condition, and age. Our comprehensive school counseling program is provided by a Virginia Licensed and accredited School Counselor.  

Counseling team