Physical Education

Physical Education 4th Quarter Plans

4th Quarter Learning Targets  

Weeks 1-2

  • Grades K-2: Finish Bowling/rolling Unit

Weeks 3-5

  • Grades K-5: Volleying/striking skills

Weeks 6

  • Grades K-5 Kickball/kicking games

  • 3-5 Fitness testing (3rd practice) 

Weeks 7-9

  • K-5 Throwing and striking-softball/tee-ball skills

Grades K-5 PE Content:  

  • April: K-5 Finish Bones and start Muscles

  • May: Grades 1-5 Muscles (9 major ones) * KG learns biceps and triceps

PE info and Grading

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is such a pleasure to welcome all the wonderful students back to school this year. My name is Mrs. Guyton and I look forward to getting to know your children and having them in PE this year. Each class will have 100 minutes of PE per week in Grades KG-5. Ask your child (ren) about our wonderful P.E incentive programs like Free choice days, Impossible Shot and MVP of the month.

The goal of Elementary Physical Education at Lucketts Elementary and Loudoun County is to teach students to develop healthy living habits that will last a lifetime.  We accomplish that by having students participate in a wide variety of activities, sports, and challenges that will increase their physical, social, and mental abilities, as well as teamwork and cooperation skills.  We hope to provide a safe, fun, and motivating class that will encourage all students to want to participate, have fun and try their best.  Focused Fitness activities, health, nutrition, muscles, and bones are implemented into P.E. classe, as well as integrating Core subject areas such as math and spelling.   

Here are some things that will help make PE as fun and SAFE as possible this year:

1.     Sneakers are recommended for safety on PE days!!!      

2.    If  wearing a dress/skirt please wear shorts under them if they have PE that day. 

3.    If a student has a medical condition or injury, please send a note/medical excuse.

4.    If student is missing more than a week of PE classes a Doctors note is required.

5.    Jewelry is recommended to be taken off during PE for safety reasons


Students will be assessed in the areas of skill performance/content

Grading Scale

4- Student exceeds the standard.  The student was able to apply, explain, analyze, etc. what was learned.

3- Student met the standard.  The student was able to demonstrate important concepts and skills taught.

2- Student is progressing toward the standard.  The student can recall basic/some information about concepts and skills taught.  Prompting may be required

1- Student is progressing toward the standard but requires assistance. Student has a limited ability to complete tasks independently.taught, and appropriate behavior and safety in class.

Assessments will follow this learning progression scale:

P.E. 9 week plans, rules, P.E. schedule, fitness test standards, Focused fitness Program info, and upcoming P.E. events are always updated monthly on my site.

I continuously set clear expectations for the students for each class in helping them succeed to become lifelong movers! I am looking forward to a great year here at Lucketts Elementary. If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school, stop by, or email me at Email Jill.


Jill Guyton  NBCT (Physical Education Teacher)

2023-24 P.E. Class Schedules



P.E. Days




Wednesday and Friday

Monday and Thursday

First Grade

Mrs. Kost

Mrs. Wenner

Dr. Sanford

Tuesday and Thursday 

Wednesday and Friday

Monday and Thursday

Second Grade

Mrs. Bickmore


Monday and Wednesday


Third Grade

Mrs. Fortune

Mrs. Miklich

Mrs. Clover

Monday and Tuesday

Wednesday and Friday

Tuesday and Thursday

 Fourth Grade

Mrs. O'Laughlin

Mrs. McCaffrey


Tuesday and Friday

Monday and Wednesday


 Fifth Grade

Mrs. Little

Mrs. Gordon

Tuesday and Friday

Monday and Thursday

Wear your sneackers in P.E days!


The Loudoun County elementary physical education curriculum is a developmental program designed to enhance student confidence in movement, balance, fine and gross motor control, and general physical vigor. The physical education specialist teaches physical education three days a week. The classroom teacher strives to make use of skills and/or game activities as they are implemented by the physical education teacher.

Virginia Wellness Award Standards-Fitness Tests Grade 4 and 5

The Virginia Fitness Gram Fitness Tests are done at least once per year for grades 4 and 5.

The 5 tests are: Curl ups, Push ups, PACER (aerobic capacity test), and the Trunk lift and Sit and Reach Flexibility tests. 

Click Here for the boys and girls Fitness Gram Standards to pass the fitness tests


Congratulations and keep up the great work!

MVP's earn 10 house points and 5 tries at the Im"PAW"sible shot!

April PE MVPS:  

  • KG Mrs. Ash-Conklin: Hayley and Caleb

  • KG Mrs. Rihs: Angelo and Kaylee (2nd time)

  • 1st Grade Mrs. Wenner: Reagan and Blake (2nd time)

  • 1st Grade Mrs. Kost: Audrina and Catalina

  • 1st Grade Dr. Sanford: Kaiden and Brock (2nd time)

  • 2nd Grade Mrs. Bickmore: Maria and Vienna

  • 3rd Grade Mrs. Clover: Thalia and ZuZu

  • 3rd Grade Mrs. Fortune: Jameson and Luke

  • 3rd Grade Mrs. Miklich: Xander and Nadina

  • 4th Grade Mrs. McCaffrey: Ella (2nd time) and Jacob

  • 4th Grade Mrs. O'Laughlin: Olivia and Karolyne

  • 5th Grade Mrs. Little: Caleb and Sibia

  • 5th Grade Mrs. Gordon: Faith and Jaxton

Congratulations and continue the good sportsmanship!