Multicultural Fair 2025

We are excited to announce our Multicultural Fair on Friday, February 7th, from 6:00-7:30 pm! At Mill Run, it is our desire as a school to continue to increase our knowledge, awareness and understanding of each other's backgrounds. Our upcoming Multicultural Fair is one way we hope to accomplish this goal. We would like to share more information and invite you to help us make this event special!

What will be happening during the Multicultural Fair?

  • Exhibits (on tri fold display boards) and artifacts representing various cultures and traditions will be set up on tables in the hallway.

  • Each child will receive a passport that they can carry with them to each exhibit. They will receive a sticker for their passport from each exhibit booth they visit.

  • Students will also receive a ticket for each sticker in their passport. There will be a raffle bowl where tickets can be deposited for a raffle drawing at the end of the event.

  • Arts and crafts station in the cafeteria where families can see demonstrations and possibly make their own crafts.

  • Music demonstrations from various cultures in the music room.

  • Musical performances by groups will be enjoyed in the gym at 7:00 - 7:30.

How can you help?

  • We need volunteers to create tri fold displays! We would love to learn more about your culture! If you are interested in creating a tri fold display, please use the check our family newsletter for a link to our SignUp Genius to sign up for a spot in our exhibit hallway.

  • Do you have a craft or art project you would like to demonstrate? Would you like to teach others how to make it? If so, please use the SignUp Genius link above to reserve a spot at the arts and crafts station (please provide your own materials).

We hope you will join us for this fun evening of learning about and celebrating each other!  Should you have any questions, please reach out to Katie Wheedleton at and/or Allison Hatton at