School Counselors

MTV School Counseling Team, "We'll be there for you!"
The Role of the School Counselor
Loudoun County Public School Counselors
Helping Students Succeed in School
Counselors Help Students Learn
Each school of Loudoun County Public Schools has a school counseling program. Certified counselors are responsible for the organization and management of guidance services in the school.
Counselors work with students, parents, teachers and administrators to help students succeed in school and prepare for meaningful productive living. School counseling services are child-centered, developmental and preventive, and encourage students' academic, social/emotional and career awareness at each stage of their development.
Guidance services are inclusive and respectful of student and staff differences in gender, religion, ethnicity, race, ability, handicapping condition and age.
What Are the Objectives of the School Counseling Program?
The Loudoun County guidance and counseling program provides the students education in :
becoming self-directive and responsible for their behavior in relation to academic achievement;
developing positive feelings toward their school environment;
fostering and supporting responsible behavior and safety;
understanding the relationship between personal qualities, education and the world of work;
understanding the character traits consistent with Loudoun County Public Schools ' Character Education program'
developing problem solving, decision making and coping skills;
understanding and respecting themselves and others;
maintaining effective relationships with peers and adults;
developing effective communication skills; and
planning for further education
What Does a School Counselor Do?
Counsels with students individually and/or in groups with signed parental permission
Provides systematic developmental classroom guidance to all students
Responds to student needs in crisis situations
Orients students to new school settings
Works with absentees, potential dropouts and other at-risk students
Participates actively in the referral process of students to special programs and/or services
Participates actively in the referral process of students and/or parents to services and agencies outside of the school
Analyzes test results to provide information about abilities, achievement, interests and needs
Coordinates efforts with other school specialists
Conducts conferences with parents
Facilitates parent discussion groups
Helps with individual school, college and career plans
Coordinates with post-secondary institutions to facilitate college attendance
Coordinates staff support activities
Adheres to ethical and legal standards
Why Do Parents Contact a School Counselor?
Academic achievement
New school registration, orientation and transition
Test Interpretation
Special needs of students
Student crisis situations
Family transitions
Higher education issues
How Is a Student Referred
to the School Counselor?
Teacher, administrator or staff referral
Parent referral
Counselor Observation
Minimum Qualifications for a Virginia School Counselor
Master's Degree and State Certification
For More Information About School Counselors Visit the Following Website