Bulldog Book Club

Bulldog Readers Book Club is for anyone interested in reading and discussing books.

Our mission is to:

  • provide opportunity and space for students who love to read to discuss their own reading with others

  • grow through discussion of ideas and exposure to new books

  • build relationships with peers and teachers.

  • enjoy, celebrate, and share love of reading

Sponsors:  Ms. Channing & Ms. Curry, Email Ms. Channing & Email Ms. Curry

If you are interested in joining, please email one of the sponsors and/or come to the library and speak with a library staff member.

Some options are:

  • Informal meetings where we discuss a variety of books read

  • Select one book to read each month or quarter

  • Read selections from a list, such as Virginia Readers Choice, Project Lit or others

  • The club will reflect the interests of the students who comprise it

Meeting Dates

Please mark the following dates for book club:

Coming Soon!