Our Mission
Our mission as School Counselors at Stone Bridge High School is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that attends to the personal/social, academic, and career preparation/college planning needs of all students. Services include group and individual counseling, academic support (educational accommodations and interventions), crisis intervention, career and college planning, and student and family advocacy. Our goal is to promote a commitment to lifelong learning, personal and academic growth, and to aid students in becoming responsible, culturally aware, and productive members of society. This foundation will be supported and further strengthened by consultation with educators, administrators, parents, and community advocates.
Our Vision
Every student will graduate from Stone Bridge High School, college and career-ready, equipped to successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent, and productive citizens.
Our Beliefs
All students have worth and have a right to a safe learning environment.
All students can learn at their own ability level and should be given the opportunity to become lifelong learners and productive, responsible citizens of the world.
Character education is an integral part of educating the whole student and requires active participation from students, teachers, staff, parents, and the community.
Students, parents, teachers, administration, and school counselors are responsible for monitoring students’ progress.
Goals for the school counseling program shall reflect the needs of our school community.
Diversity shall be respected and valued to foster unity among students, faculty, staff, and the community.
We believe a school counselor’s primary focus is to be a strong student advocate.