National Honor Society

National Honor Society Logo

What is the National Honor Society like at Stone Bridge HS?
The National Honor Society (NHS) at Stone Bridge High School is a prestigious organization that recognizes students who exemplify service, scholarship, character, and leadership. Students who are eligible to apply to the National Honor Society will be notified in the first quarter of their junior or senior year. The NHS requires all interested candidates (juniors and seniors) to undergo an application process. Then, if selected, they are invited to attend an induction ceremony in the fall of their acceptance year. Once inducted, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.5. Members will also commit to serving their school and the local community. Please visit their website for more information about the NHS.

Who is the Adviser?
Miss Angela Powner (Email Angela Powner) is the faculty adviser of the NHS chapter at Stone Bridge. Miss Powner's information is in the Staff Directory (linked here). In addition, Miss Powner is continuously vetting potential volunteering opportunities for NHS membership. If you have an event or organization that needs volunteers, please reach out to Miss Powner via email.

Where do current members get updates about NHS events and important deadlines?
All NHS information for current members is in the NHS group in Schoology. Existing members should check this page regularly for updates and volunteering opportunities. Emails are also automatically sent each time a post is made.

What are the critical deadlines and dates for NHS members this year
Please see the important dates section of this page.

Does the NHS have an annual fee to be a member?
All NHS members at Stone Bridge pay a $20 annual fee. Payments are made online through the Online School Payment Portal; payment link is in the Schoology group or the dues section of this webpage. 

Important Dates

Important dates for NHS members:

Friday, September 29, 2023

Candidate emails sent to eligible juniors and seniors.

Wednesday, October 4 (advisory) and Thursday, October 5 (8:50 am)

Candidate meetings in auditorium. Candidate information packets posted in Applicant Schoology group.

Thursday, October 12, 2023   

Candidate information packets due/uploaded by 4:00 pm (No late submissions will be accepted.)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Review of candidate information packets

Friday, October 27, 2023

Emails regarding status sent to students

Friday, October 23, 2023 through Friday, November 3, 2023

Appeals Google Form available; submissions due by 4:30 on Nov 3. Emailed inquiries to SBHS staff will not be accepted in lieu of the Google form request.

Monday, Nov 8-10, 2023         

Appeals discussions & notification

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 @ 8:30 AM                

Induction ceremony in auditorium

Please note that these are tentative dates and may be changed without prior notice. 

Prospective Members

National Honor Society is open to juniors and seniors. National Honor Society is based off of four pillars:

*Scholarship--Students must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

*Service--Evidence of voluntary contributions to the school and/or community, done without compensation, prior to applying. Service should not be a requirement for another club.

*Leadership--Evidence of leadership experiences from the school and/or community while working for or with others. 

*Character--"The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record." (from the NHS website)

Each fall, students who meet the GPA requirement will be invited to complete a candidate information form to determine membership. This form includes sections for community service, extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, awards/recognitions/honors, and a personal essay. The faculty committee looks for students who have a variety of experience in each of these areas. If you are interested in NHS we encourage you to seek out opportunities prior to your junior or senior year.

If accepted, students will be required to complete a minimum number of volunteer and tutoring hours, along with paying annual dues of $20.