Scholarship Search
If you are applying for a scholarship and need a transcript or teacher letters of recommendation sent separately from the application, please complete this form.
If you have not completed the Parent Transcript Release Form, please have your parent/guardian complete the Transcript Release Form
LCPS posts current countywide scholarships and applications on SchooLinks.
Access SchooLinks from your LCPS Go launchpad.
Search under Finances > Scholarship Matching.
Add your Eligibility, Interests, and Colleges and get matched to potential scholarships! Local scholarships yield a much higher application-to-return rate than national searches.
Students attending Northern Virginia Community College can visit NOVA's scholarship site to review the opportunities and submit their applications.
For any scholarship questions, please Email Mrs. Jones.
Searching for Scholarships? Beware of scams! Identify and Protect Yourself from Scholarship Scams
Some suggested sites for National Scholarship Searches: