Health Office

Our Health Clinic Specialist (HCS) is Beth Partin. 

The HCS will be on duty in the clinic from 7:15 a.m. to p.m. 2;45 daily for the students at Waterford Elementary.

Below are some reminders and other information. Please feel free to call the school with any questions.

~ If your child has any significant medical needs, please notify the HCS, even if you have notified the school in previous years.

~ If your child has asthma, diabetes, seizures, life threatening allergies or other medical conditions, you can pick up forms in the school office or download them from the links to the Health Services website for you and your physician to complete. This allows the school to understand your child’s medical needs so we can address them appropriately. (If your child was in Loudoun County Public Schools last year these forms were sent to you at the end of school in June.)

~ A parent or guardian must deliver any medicine (prescription or non-prescription, including cough drops) to the office or clinic. STUDENTS MAY NOT TRANSPORT MEDICINE TO OR FROM SCHOOL. Parents are responsible for picking up any unused medicine.

~ Children who have fevers or experience vomiting should be kept at home and should be fever-free and vomit-free for 24 hours before returning to school. 

~ Most importantly, please be sure to keep your emergency information up to date so that we can reach you if your child is ill or injured.

Before Your Child Returns to School...

Reminder from our Health Clinic

Guidelines for Returning to School after Illness/Hospitalization

Students who are returning to school after a hospitalization (surgery or illness), or a procedure (tests or broken bones) MUST have a release from the physician.

The release should include the following information:

  • approval for the student to return to school

  • the activity level allowed

  • any current restrictions, and

  • the duration of stated restrictions.

All of the above should be updated buy the physician after follow-up appointments

All release paperwork must be turned in to the clinic upon return to school.


Loudoun County offers a shortened format of the training, called Rapid REVIVE! This version allows individuals to complete the training in six minutes. After watching a short video and then providing their contact information, participants receive free naloxone nasal spray. This version is available anytime. No registration is required. To start the training: