Bullying Prevention

Second Step

Second Step Webpage

Loudoun County Public School will be utilizing the Bullying Prevention Second Step Program.  It’s never too early to provide students and staff with tools to prevent bullying, both in your school and in the community. Based on the latest field research, Second Step’s Bullying Prevention Unit teaches Kindergarten–Grade 5 students how to recognize, report, and refuse bullying.

Bullying Prevention


  • Bullying is an intentional act in the form of :

  • Physical bullying (hitting, punching)

  • Verbal bullying (name calling, teasing)

  • Emotional bullying (social exclusion, gestures)

  • Cyberbullying (electronic messages)


  • Aggressive and unwanted behavior

  • Intention of harming, scaring or embarrassing the victim

  • Power imbalance

  • Repeated over time or causes severe stress

Not Bullying

  • One time teasing where the person doing the teasing doesn't know they are causing harm

  • Horseplay

  • Arguments

  • Peer Conflict