Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

The Measures of Academic Progress Growth Test (MAP) is designed to measure students’ readiness for learning specific content and skills and academic growth over time.
All LCPS students in grades 2-8 are expected to participate in the Reading and Math MAP Growth tests.
Students in grade 1 will participate in Math only by taking the MAP Growth K-2 assessment.
Students in grades 2-5 will take the MAP Growth Reading 2-5 and the MAP Growth Math 2-5 assessments.
Students in grade 6-8 will take the MAP Growth Reading 6+ and the MAP Growth Math 6+ assessments, with the exception of students enrolled in Algebra I and Geometry. These students are expected to take the corresponding Course Specific MAP Growth assessment.
High schools will give the MAP tests for students enrolled in Algebra I and Geometry.
LCPS has established testing windows in the fall, winter, and spring. For more specific testing dates within the window, please contact your child’s school or teacher.
MAP results are used by teachers to assist students in setting growth goals, to differentiate instruction based on students' strengths/needs and to monitor students' progress toward their growth goals throughout the year.
MAP results are used by building administrators to identify the knowledge and skill levels of students in a classroom or grade and to plan for professional development based on patterns in instructional strengths and needs.
MAP results are used by central office staff to identify program strengths and needs and to assess the implementation and impact of LCPS initiatives.
Resources for Families

Frequently Asked MAP Questions
Parents/Guardians should contact their child's school with questions or concerns.
Issues with remote MAP administration should be shared with your child's Test Proctor via the Google Meet chat or via email.