The information below will provide you with the most updated information. Please check back frequently for updates.
May 2023
Third Grade - The GT Dept. has sent eligibility emails (5/16/23) to all of those parents whose children have demonstrated a need for enrichment services next year through either the GIA, DCI language, or DCI math enrichment programs.
April 2023 Updates
5th grade students who are in the GIA program will automatically be enrolled in Spectrum in 6th grade. They attend Spectrum during their resource period.
All 3rd grade students completed the evaluation process for GT opportunities in the 2023-2024 school year. The final results for the GIA (gifted intellectual abilities) program, math enrichment, and/or reading enrichment will be shared with parents at the end of May through Parent Vue.
February 2023 Updates
3rd and 4th grade students who did not have CogAT testing from their previous school will be tested on February 7th, 8th, and 9th. Those scores will be published in ParentVue in late March or early April.
4th grade students whose parents requested reevaluations will start the portfolio lesson portion on February 7th, 8th, and 9th. More dates will be necessary to complete this process, but the three dates listed have been confirmed by staff and Admin.
5th grade DCI students will complete the CogAT on February 7th, 8th, and 9th. They will also start the portfolio evaluation on those dates as well. More dates will be necessary to complete this process, but the three dates listed have been confirmed by staff and Admin. The CogAT scores will be published in ParentVue in late March or early April.
5th grade students whose parents requested reevaluations will start the portfolio lesson portion on February 7th, 8th, and 9th. More dates will be necessary to complete this process, but the three dates listed have been confirmed by staff and Admin. They will also be tested on those dates as well. The CogAT scores will be published in ParentVue in late March or early April.
January 2023 Updates
2023 Elementary Gifted Evaluation Process - Spring Cycle
3rd Grade Process: View Video Here
4th & 5th Grade Process: View Video Here
K-2 Gifted Program
ALL Students in K-2 will receive a bi-weekly critical-thinking lesson from the GRT (Gifted Resource Teacher).
These lessons are not graded, but rather offered as a way to strengthen one's critical thinking abilities.
The GT curriculum is problem-solving based and founded upon gifted education research. The curriculum spirals developmentally through five components: reasoning, perceiving, connecting, evaluating, and creating. Each grade level learns about each component at increasingly more complex and abstract levels.
The CogAT is administered in 2nd grade. More information will be shared by your child's classroom teacher as testing takes place in the classroom.
3rd Gifted Program
All Third Graders Receive Gt Lessons On A Bi-weekly Basis.
Talent Development lessons are presented which provide students with exposure to the types of tasks that are included in the gifted portfolio assessments.
Gifted Portfolio Assessments are taught during GT lessons and collected. These portfolio pieces are used in the third grade evaluation in spring.
The Cognitive Abilities Test is administered in 2nd grade, except if your 3rd grade child has transferred to LCPS and does not have a test on file. The GT Department uses the scores for the third grade evaluation in the spring.
MAP (Math and Reading) Fall/Spring assessments will be administered by the classroom teacher. All information about the MAP tests will be shared by your child's teacher. The GT Department uses the scores for the third grade evaluation in the spring.
GIFTED EVALUATION takes place in the spring of 3rd grade. The student's MAP, CogAT, and Portfolio are then evaluated by a committee. Notification of eligibility status will be sent in late May or June by the LCPS Gifted Supervisor Email Wendy King.
4-5 Gifted Programs
General Intellectual Ability (Gia) Identified Students Will Participate In A Critical Thinking Program Once A Week. They Will Also Receive One Lesson Of Dci Math And Dci Reading Per Week.
Differentiated Classroom Instruction (Dci) Math Identified Students Participate In One Lesson A Week In An Intensive Math Course. Students Identified For This Program Demonstrated Strong Mathematical Skills In Both The Map And Cogat.
Differentiated Classroom Instruction (Dci) Reading Identified Students Participate In One Lesson A Week In An Intensive Reading Course. Students Identified For This Program Demonstrated Strong Ela (English/language Art) Skills In Both The Map And Cogat.
EDGE program (Empowering Diversity through Gifted Education)
The EDGE program is designed to nurture and challenge students with advanced academic potential from groups historically underrepresented in LCPS advanced academic and gifted programs. The program provides additional academic challenges for students designed to develop students' individual potential. Classroom teachers and GRTs work together to nurture academic potential in our younger learners and prepare them for more challenging and rigorous academic pathways.