United States Selective Service: Once a young man turns 18, he is required by federal law to register with the U.S. Selective Service. It keeps him eligible for a driver's license, government jobs, college loans and job training. Remember, it's the law. Registration is quick and easy if he knows his Social Security number, click here . For more information, contact Selective Service, 1-847-688-6888
What is the ASVAB?
The ASVAB test is open to all LCPS students, grades 10-12.
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program can help young adults identify and explore potentially satisfying occupations and develop effective strategies to realize career goals.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is one of the most widely used, multiple-aptitude tests in the world, developed and maintained by the Department of Defense. More than half of all high schools nationwide administer the ASVAB test to students in grades 10, 11 and 12 (sophomores cannot use their scores for enlistment eligibility).
The ASVAB consists of the following eight individual tests:
General Science
Arithmetic Reasoning
Word Knowledge
Paragraph Comprehension
Mathematics Knowledge
Electronics Information
Auto and Shop Information
Mechanical Comprehension
Students are provided with scores on each of these individual tests and three Career Exploration Score composites: Verbal Skills, Math Skills and Science and Technical Skills. The battery takes approximately three hours to complete, and test results are returned to schools in a few weeks.
The Military uses students’ ASVAB scores to identify the occupations that best suit their abilities. Junior, senior and post-secondary school students can use their ASVAB scores for enlistment for up to two years after taking the test.
You can register for any LCPS ASVAB using this form.
More information on the ASVAB and test prep can be found HERE.
Links to the Various Branches and Other Helpful Information
Air Force Academy
Air Force
Air Force Academy Summer Program for Juniors
Air Force Air National Guard
Air Force ROTC HS Scholarship Program Overview
Army National Guard
Army Reserves
Army ROTC Scholarship Website
Army ROTC Information Sheet
U.S. Military Academy - West Point
Coast Guard
Coast Guard Academy
Coast Guard AIM - Academy Introduction Mission
AIM - Academy Introduction Mission (realistic service academy summer program)
Is the U.S. Coast Guard Academy the right college for you? The Academy Introduction Mission (AIM) program challenges and inspires rising high school seniors interested in serving their country and exploring technical degree programs. During six action-packed days, you'll immerse yourself in Coast Guard tradition and Academy life with Cadet leaders:
*in the engineering lab
*on the playing fields
*on the parade grounds
*on the water
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Reserve
Merchant Marine Academy
Naval Academy
Navy Education for Life brochure
Best Colleges and Scholarship Information for Military Dependents
Military & Dependent Benefits for college