College & Career Center

Open from 9:15am - 4:15pm, the College & Career Center is designed to support students and parents in finding resources and information on colleges, scholarships, financial aid, SAT and ACT practice tests/information, vocational and military training opportunities and part-time job opportunities.

The College and Career Center is located across the hall from the Counseling Department. Come by with any questions or concerns you have during school hours, or you can make an appointment with Mrs. Wales anytime during 2nd and 6th blocks through e-hall pass. 

Helpful resources as you navigate the College Admissions Process and Career Exploration

National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)
Educational Credit Management Organization (ECMO) is an excellent college planning and information resource website.
Opportunities College Planning Workbook  (preparing for college guide and workbook for 9th-12th graders)
ECMC College Night Events
Financial Awareness Basics
Estimate Your College Costs
Virginia College Tour - Route 81, Route 29, Route 95, Route 64 and Washington DC/Fairfax Area Tours
What colleges are test optional?
HS Navigator - A one-stop search tool for finding pre-college summer programs, internships, or volunteer opportunities for high school students.
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia - exploring colleges and universities
Virginia Education Wizard
College Bound Guide (prepared by Longwood University)
Opportunities Preparing for College Workbook 2022-2023
Virginia Colleges 2022 Graduation Rate Comparison

Career Resources

Take a Myers-Briggs personality test and learn about career paths for your type
Take a career inventory test
Work while pursuing a certificate and gaining specialized skills.  Learn more at
NOVA Workforce.

Attention Users:  Our goal is to provide comprehensive information that will help support you and your student as you navigate the many options beyond high school. The content of outside links is not controlled by Loudoun County Public Schools and we do not endorse any specific link or confirm that the information is accurate. While school staff review links when they are inserted, the content may change. If you find any linked home page content you consider inappropriate, please bring the matter to the attention of the building principal. Remember that the outside source Web page may link to other pages that have not been reviewed; explore at your own risk.