Bullying Prevention and Education


StopBullying.gov Site

Pacer - Bullying

To report bullying at Dominion High School, please contact a School Counselor, Assistant Principal, or Principal.

Fellow Titans, 

As we continue our vigorous pursuit of Loudoun County Public Schools' noble mission to empower every student to make meaningful contributions to the world, we maintain our focus squarely on our 2020 Vision to promote high levels of achievement for our most vulnerable learners, while empowering each and every Titan to lead a life of extraordinary significance.  

In an effort to fulfill the noble goals of our 2020 Vision, we are committed to the emergence of a school culture that is characterized by high expectations for all students within a distinctly personalized environment. Toward this end, we have embarked upon multi-layered initiatives that will further boost student achievement, while investing in the growth of the whole student. In an effort to promote deeper learning for our students, Loudoun County Public Schools' has provided a personal Chromebook for each student, significantly enhancing the possibilities for teachers to create technology-enhanced classroom experiences. 

A wide range of structures empower students in their pursuit of academic excellence, includling formal centers of support for particpation in Advanced Placement and dual enrollment course work, as well a writing center and math lab. As they set sail on the high school career, freshmen benefit from mentoring through their participation in Link Crew, where they are guided through this crucial year of high school by upperclassmen, carefully selected for their potential as servant leaders. The implementation of Sources of Strength, a suicide prevention initiative that will be led by carefully selected student ambassadors, will increase our students' capacity to choose help seeking behaviors, while promoting connections between peers and caring adults.

Extra-curricular engagement provides a platform for each and every Titan to pursue the fulfillment of all five pillars of our mission. Beginning with marching band and athletic opportunities before classes begin in August, we urge each student to find their niche among our award-winning performing arts programs, our national champions hip-hop dance team, or global ambassadors, just to name a few.  

Toward the success of each and every Titan, we look forward to working collaboratively with parents and community members toward the continued fulfillment of LCPS' Vision 2020! Goooooooooooooo Titans! 

In your service,


John Brewer, Ed. D. 
