Fine Arts
Performing Arts Ensembles
Dominion High School Fine Arts Department
The Dominion High School Art Department has developed a robust curriculum that combines the National Art Standards, Virginia Art SOLs and 21st Century Skills to provide students with opportunities to develop visual literacy, connect with art, both personal and global, as they explore the creative process.
Dominion High School offers a comprehensive music program including multiple levels of band, chorus, guitar, and orchestra. For more information, please refer to the LCPS Program of Studies.
The Dominion High School Theatre Arts program develops critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, and problem-solvers while providing experiences to make real-life connections. Theatre Arts is a fine arts elective for grades 9-12.
Please contact your/your student's teacher if we can offer any help or assistance. Additionally, if you have any questions about Fine Arts at Dominion High School, please reach out to the Department Chair, email Ms. My-Van Nguyen for further assistance.