Gifted & Talented

Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year!

Pencil drawing a line

Hello. I'm Jen Quante, the gifted specialist, at Kenneth Culbert Elementary. I earned a Bachelor's of Science in Business and a Master's in Education from ODU. This past year I completed course work for my gifted endorsement from George Mason. Previously, I taught 4th and 5th grade Crocs. I am excited to be on this new journey to support gifted learners!

Thank you for visiting the "Gifted Education Information Page" at Kenneth Culbert Elementary School. We appreciate your interest in our programs and hope you will be able to find the information you need. If not, please email Jen Quante at your convenience. It will be my pleasure to speak with you.

Please visit the LCPS Gifted Information Page for an updated overview of all district gifted services and programs:  

LCPS Gifted Information

Informational video for parents

Notifications of gifted eligibility results for 4th and 5th graders evaluated in this cycle will be sent out on 5/24. Third-graders who were found eligible for gifted services will be notified through Permission Click on 5/24.


 Welcome back!

Welcome to the gifted page at Kenneth Culbert Elementary School.

This is the home of Search, EDGE, and Fusion.

If you have specific questions about third grade identification, please see the links on the welcome page.

Fusion - Mrs. Quante






New ideas


The school-based, collaborative gifted program, now known as Fusion, is a new model for delivering gifted services for 4th and 5th grade gifted learners. It was established to provide gifted services for students at their home schools. A gifted resource teacher collaborates with classroom teachers to challenge gifted learners in their regular classrooms by enriching and extending the general curriculum and by integrating curricula developed for gifted learners (e.g., William & Mary literature units, Jacob's ladder, and Mentoring Mathematical Minds). In addition, gifted learners meet during the week with other gifted learners to collaborate on a variety of challenging, interdisciplinary projects. (LCPS GATE page)


The Fusion classes meet once per week for approximately four hours. The theme around which all of our lessons will center for the 2023-2024 school year is leadership. Here is the schedule for our classes:

Tuesdays: 5th grade

Thursdays: 4th grade

Expectations for our Fusion students:

A Fusion student is expected.....

  • to participate actively in tasks and projects   

  • to develop and use plans

  • to solve complex problems

  • to think creatively

  • to use critical thinking - reasoning and logic

  • to be flexible and accept change

  • to collaborate with fellow students

  • to persevere - be persistent in difficult tasks

  • to have good manners and behave properly

  • to be kind and tolerant of others