KWC Student Circulation Policy

Each student visits the library during A or B week with their class. Students may checkout materials at this time as well as each morning from 7:25-7:40 AM. Students may also checkout books anytime during the day at their teacher's discretion.

Book Checkout:

K - 2 books

1st - 2 books

2nd -2 books 

3rd - 3 books 

4th - 3 books 

5th - 3 books 

Library materials may be returned at any time. Students do not need to wait until their library day to return materials. If needed, students may renew items for an additional two weeks. 

Students may checkout extra books for research projects.

Students with overdue items may choose books from the Free Little Library barn or may reserve books on the Hold Shelf.

Extra books needed for research will be kept in the classroom 

Students having lost or damaged items will be charged the replacement cost for the item. Items which have been paid for will only be refunded if a replacement has not yet been purchased. If an item has been replaced, then the student may keep the item or donate it to the library.