Health Clinic
Meadowland Elementary Clinic Hours
7:10 AM -2:10 PM
Kristen Jenkins, RN is our school’s Registered Nurse. Kelly Hunt, RN, is the resource nurse for this school and visits regularly. Clinic personnel (HCAs and RNs) are not trained to make medical diagnosis. If you have a medical concern about your child, please take them to their personal physician or a medical facility.
If your child has any significant medical needs, please notify the clinic staff even if the school has been notified in previous years. If your child has asthma, diabetes, seizures, life-threatening allergies, or other medical conditions you and your physician will need to complete a form so that the school staff will know how to care for your child. These forms are available on the LCPS Internet site and can be accessed by clicking on the PARENT tab at the top of the tool bar. Your child’s forms must be updated at the beginning of every school year and when there is a change in the plan of care.
If your child is ill because of a contagious disease such as the flu, strep throat, chicken pox, etc., it would be helpful to note the reason for the absence when you call the absentee line. This will help the school take measures to know the extent of the disease and reduce its spread. Students who have fevers (temperatures > 100.0) should be kept home until free of fever for 24 hours. Students who do not feel well should also stay home. When students come to school ill, they not only are not able to participate fully in class, but they may also infect other students with their illness.
A parent or guardian must deliver any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to the clinic. Students may NOT transport any medication to or from school. Parents are responsible for picking up any unused medication. The clinic staff must have written instructions from a medical provider in order to administer prescription medications. All prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy bottle with the proper label, containing the student’s name, medication, dosage, and instructions for administration. Upon request, most pharmacies will provide an extra labeled bottle with the proper amount of medication for school hours.
If the clinic staff needs to administer non-prescription medication:
· It must be provided by the parent/guardian in an original package with the name of the medication and instructions.
· It must have a note from the parent regarding when and how much medication to administer.
· Only the amount listed on the package for your child’s age and weight will be given, and only for the recommended length of time unless there are doctor’s orders on the “Authorization for Mediation Administration” form to dispense differently.
· Any medication not in its original container will NOT be administered.
Be sure to keep the “Emergency Information” updated so we can reach you if your child is ill or injured.
The Student Health Services website contains information and many helpful articles related to Loudoun county Public School health guidelines. You can access this site by clicking on the PARENT tab at the top of the tool bar.
Loudoun County offers a shortened format of the training, called Rapid REVIVE! This version allows individuals to complete the training in six minutes. After watching a short video and then providing their contact information, participants receive free naloxone nasal spray. This version is available anytime. No registration is required. To start the training:
Visit for Rapid REVIVE! in English
Visit for Rapid REVIVE! in Spanish