WELCOME to the Meadowland PTO
Membership is FREE for the 2023-2024 school year!! Please visit our webpage to register.
Click here for the Meadowland Webpage
LCPS Disclaimer
"The content of our PTO website and its links are not controlled by Loudoun County Public Schools. If you find any linked home page content
you consider inappropriate, please bring the matter to the attention of the building principal. Remember that the outside source Web Page
may link to other pages that have not been reviewed by LCPS staff. Please keep in mind as you enter this website."
PTO Board Members
Angela Araya | President |
Jhoseline Téllez | Vice President |
Sarah Kellogg | Secretary |
Amanda Shillingburg | Treasurer |
PTO Meeting Dates
Monday | October 3rd |
Wednesday | November 2nd |
Wednesday | December 7th |
Wednesday | January 4th |
Wednesday | February 1st |
Wednesday | March 1st |
Wednesday | April 12th |
Wednesday | May 3rd |