Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports


What is PBIS?

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a systems approach for establishing a safe and supportive learning environment to promote social, behavioral, and academic success for all students and a framework (not a packaged program) for developing a common vision, language and practices used consistently across the school to:

1.        improve school climate;

2.        strengthen relationships;

3.        teach and reinforce expectations;

4.        increase positive behaviors, academic achievement and equitable learning experiences; and

5.        decrease office referrals and suspensions.

Mental and behavioral health and wellness efforts are also supported across all three tiers of instruction to promote academic and social success for students. Targeted and intensive interventions are provided to support the learning needs of students.

Loudoun County Public Schools began implementing the PBIS framework in 2007. Since 2012, all LCPS schools implement PBIS as a prevention and intervention framework. With a strong Tier 1 PBIS framework in place across the division, we are committed to identifying how we can embed, or are embedding, equitable practices into school-wide behavioral prevention practices and interventions, we well as how we can increase responsiveness to the diverse cultures and communities served by our schools. Each school has two to four PBIS Coaches who support the school-based PBIS Team and serve as liaisons between the PBIS administrative team and their school. PBIS Coaches are typically teachers, specialists, instructional facilitators, school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, consulting teachers and deans.

Meadowland PBIS Coaches


Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

What is SEL? 

Social-emotional learning helps people:

  • Understand and manage their emotions

  • Set and achieve positive goals

  • Have and show empathy for others

  • Establish and maintain positive relationships

  • Make responsible decisions

What does SEL look like at Meadowland? 

Every morning, all classes have a Morning Meeting in which they check in with their teacher and classmates and participate in various discussions and activities to promote acquisition of social-emotional skill development. The Second Step curriculum is comprised of the four units shown below. 

Second Step SEL

Second STEP Skills and Concepts