Bullying Prevention

LCPS Bullying Prevention and Education Policy

Our Bullying Prevention Coordinator is Erika Johnston, the Assistant Principal at NLE. If you have any concerns regarding bullying, please contact Erika Johnston

Loudoun County Public Schools has implemented a county-wide bullying prevention program to teach students how to identify bullying behavior and appropriate ways to solve possible bullying concerns. LCPS School Counselors provide a Bullying Prevention curriculum (through Second Step) which is delivered to all students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. This evidence-based program provides students with four bullying prevention lessons each year. The lesson focuses on 3R’s, and teaches students how to Recognize, Report, and Refuse bullying behavior. using the Second Step Program. Through these lessons, students in grades K-5 learn to:

Recognize bullying

  • hitting or punching (physical)

  • teasing or name calling (verbal)

  • intimidation using gestures or social exclusion (emotional)

  • Sending insulting messages by phone or computer (cyber)

that happens on purpose, over and over again, is one-sided (imbalance of power) in which the students cannot get it to stop.

Report bullying

Counselors ensure that students can identify several trusted adult at NLE that they can report to once students recognize that bullying is happening. If the bullying continues, students are taught to report to a trusted adult again as necessary.

Refuse bullying

Students are taught to respond and refuse bullying by saying, "Stop, that's bullying!"  

Parents, if you feel that your child is experiencing bullying, please contact your child's school counselor and/or administrator at 571-252-1535 as well as to encourage your child to report the bullying to a trusted adult at NLE.

What can you expect staff at Newton-Lee to do about bullying?

  • School staff will investigate the bullying immediately.  After investigating your concerns, they will inform you as to what they plan to do about it.

  • Staff will meet with your child to learn about the bullying that he or she has experienced.  They will develop a plan to keep your child safe, and they will be watchful for any future bullying,  Educators will assure your child that they will work hard to see that the bullying stops.

  • Please give the school reasonable time to investigate and hear both sides of the story. The issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

Bullying Flowchart

Additional Resources for Parents/Guardians: