Resources and Links

Learning and Mental Health

  • Loudoun County Mental Health Suicide Prevention: Many links and phone numbers for mental health support 

  • Understood:  Resources for children who learn differently

  • Common Sense Media:  Ratings, reviews and discussion about movies, games, TV, books, apps, websites and music.  A wonderful resource for sorting through all of the media available to kids (ages 2-17!)

  • Child Mind Institute: Resources and support for learning, developmental and mental health topics.

  • Parent Resource Center:  This is a link to our county website where they provide a list of parent organizations and support groups as well as resources on a wide range of topics.    

  • LD Online:  Resources for parents regarding children with Learning Disabilities. 

  • National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD):  Resources for parents regarding Learning Disabilities and ADHD.

  • Sibling Support- The Sibling Support Project is dedicated to brothers and sisters of kids who have special needs, whether they are health-related, developmental, or mental health concerns. 

  • "Raising Happiness":  an article from UC Berkley's Greater Good Center about using research on growth mindset to help increase your child's happiness 

  • Building Your Child's Future ... Together 

  • The NED Show-Child friendly videos and activities aimed at increasing social and emotional learning

  • Digital Citizenship and Cyber Laws- a guide to internet safety and digial citizenship

  • Virginia Department of Education 

  • Edutopia 

  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports 

  • NPR article based on the book by Paul Tough, How Children Succeed:  GRIT, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character

  • Virginia Career View A website designed by Virginia Tech for K-12 students to explore careers. 

  • WhoRU? A career inventory, that is part of Virginia Career View. This inventory allows students to explore career clusters based on their interests. 

Diversity and Bullying

Parenting Support

Middle School Transition