Resources and Links
Learning and Mental Health
Loudoun County Mental Health Suicide Prevention: Many links and phone numbers for mental health support
Understood: Resources for children who learn differently
Common Sense Media: Ratings, reviews and discussion about movies, games, TV, books, apps, websites and music. A wonderful resource for sorting through all of the media available to kids (ages 2-17!)
Child Mind Institute: Resources and support for learning, developmental and mental health topics.
Parent Resource Center: This is a link to our county website where they provide a list of parent organizations and support groups as well as resources on a wide range of topics.
LD Online: Resources for parents regarding children with Learning Disabilities.
National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): Resources for parents regarding Learning Disabilities and ADHD.
Sibling Support- The Sibling Support Project is dedicated to brothers and sisters of kids who have special needs, whether they are health-related, developmental, or mental health concerns.
"Raising Happiness": an article from UC Berkley's Greater Good Center about using research on growth mindset to help increase your child's happiness
The NED Show-Child friendly videos and activities aimed at increasing social and emotional learning
Digital Citizenship and Cyber Laws- a guide to internet safety and digial citizenship
NPR article based on the book by Paul Tough, How Children Succeed: GRIT, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character
Virginia Career View A website designed by Virginia Tech for K-12 students to explore careers.
WhoRU? A career inventory, that is part of Virginia Career View. This inventory allows students to explore career clusters based on their interests.
Diversity and Bullying
Cyberbullying and Internet Safety) This is a PDF document with helpful information about about bullying that happens online. It includes tips for elementary, middle and high school aged students as well as definitions and facts about the effects of cyberbullying.
Parenting Support children's mental health
Conscious Discipline-resources you can use at home to address behavior and self-regulation
Middle School Transition
Trailside Middle School website