Finding Help
We want to help you find the help you need.
For information about your student or help with access to ParentVUE, contact Beatriz Ramirez.
For attendance issues, please contact Beatriz Ramirez.
For Chromebook and log in problems:
Contact the Digital Experience Specialist, David Parker-Ross.
View the High School Student Toolkit for Chromebooks related problems.
When in school during the day, students should ask their teacher for a pass to the technology office.
Staff can create a Support Center request in LCPSGO.
For problems with this website, educational software issues, contact Jason Fournier with specifics.
For accessibility issues or accommodations, contact our LCPS ADA Coordinator.
For personal wellness counseling, course selection, career exploration, and college planning, please contact your school counselor.
For other or general inquiries, please contact the main office and we will be able to direct you to the right person.
General website facts
Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) does not sell advertising space on its websites nor buy it from others.
LCPS content editors should use their LEAD credentials to login to the Web Community Manager (WCM) content management system (CMS).