Meet the Staff with mulitcultural people

We are so excited to introduce and welcome our newest staff members! Please meet:

Kindergarten is welcoming Katie Combs, Amanda Morris, Maria del Mar Calcano, and Mercedes Perez. Fatima will be a new teaching assistant.

First Grade is welcoming Amber Pierce, Chessie Shoemaker. We also are excited that Robyn DiCarlo and Ena Guevara-Marquez will be emarking on a new journey as our 1st Grade Dual Language Immersion Teachers!

Second Grade is welcoming Kaitlyn Batts.

Fourth Grade is welcoming Mollie Austin, Stephanie Reed, and Jean Sanders.

Fifth Grade is welcoming Wendy Kiser.

Our Resource Specialists welcome Luz Gomez, Eman Al Haddad, Ann Mathena and Yani Meda Coles.

Shelley Zimmerman and Nabeela Khawja will join Kristen Mosely in our K-2 Autism classroom as Teaching Assistants.

We have a new School Counselor, Nicola Richards.

We welcome Hannah Anderson as our itinerate Art Teacher and Michael Girdy as our itinerate Music Teacher, Chris Loza as our new PE Teacher, and Joseph Brening as our itinerate PE Teacher.

We welcome Kristen Gillette as our new DEAN.

Linda Gantz will support with Math Facilitation.

And lastly, we welcome Caitlin Couch who is transitioning from EL to another School Based Instructional Facilitator.