Deeper Learning and PL
This is what Personalized Learning looks like at Potowmack! (click here to play video).
For the 2020-2021 school year, Potowmack will be extending our focus for Personalized Learning. We will be focusing on Instructional Models in ALL GRADES; K-5. Grades 3-5 will extend on this year's experiences, and K-2 will focus on implementing PL in one subject area.
For Math Workshop, teachers begin each day with a Classroom Routine and end each day with Reflection. What happens in between is personalized depending on the needs of the class. It looks something like this.
Classes in grades K-5 work on projects called Project Based Learning. Each activity starts with a Whole Group Opening, followed by assessments and reflection, with a Culminating Event at the end. For more information about PBL, please click HERE. This model looks similar to this.