What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. PBIS is one approach under the umbrella of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), for which the mission is to create an integrated system of academic, behavioral, and social emotional supports for all students. For more information about Loudoun County's MTSS vision, check out the county's website here.
In May 2023, River Bend students voted on "Ravens RISE" to represent the values and positive behaviors we stand for. With the help of students and staff members, we came up with the following definitions for Ravens RISE:
R = Resilience - continuing to try when things to do not work out
I = Integrity - being honest and doing the right thing
S = Self-Awareness - understanding yourself and your influence on others
E = Empathy - considering others' perspectives and feelings
Throughout the year, during Advisory lessons, we will be talking to students about what each of these words mean. For example,
What does Resilience look like in the classroom? Putting forth your best effort and reflecting on successes and failures.
What does Integrity look like in the hallways? Making sure to be where you are supposed to be.
What does Self-Awareness look like when you are outside at lunch? Keeping your hands to yourself and using appropriate language.
What does Empathy look like as you are going to and from school? Being inclusive and considerate of others.
At home, we encourage you to continue these conversations. What does Resilience, Integrity, Self-Awareness, and Empathy look like when you are at home, or with family, or at an event?
As students learn about the qualities of RISE and demonstrate the positive behaviors in various settings, staff members will be recognizing students through various ways. Your child may be nominated for "Raven of the Week" by teacher teams, or a "Department RISE Award" by elective teachers, or a "Shout-out" by any teacher at any time!