LCPS is partnering with Tutor.com to provide free, online tutoring for all LCPS students. Tutor.com, which is a service of the Princeton Review, offers one-on-one access to tutors in more than 200 subjects, including many in Spanish, and for all grade levels, 24 hours a day.
Access to help, whether during the school day or around the homework table, is near-immediate, with students connecting to tutors through their Schoology accounts within about a minute. There is no limit to the number of times a student from LCPS can connect with a tutor. And the service is 100% free.
Tutoring sessions take place in an interactive online classroom, which includes whiteboard, text and coding screens, graph paper and graphing calculator, and a wide range of tools. Students can engage with their tutors via a two-way text-chat or voice to allow learners of all ages to receive help in a format that is most comfortable for them. All of Tutor.com’s tutors are vetted through a rigorous application process that tests for expert-level subject knowledge and effective tutoring methodology. Online tutors also complete an extensive background check. All classroom sessions are recorded and monitored by Tutor Management.
Students may also drop off their written work and receive detailed feedback from a tutor within a day. The platform also provides access to self-guided resources, including Advanced Placement (AP) videos and SAT/ACT Essentials courses from The Princeton Review.
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