About Seldens Landing
School Motto
"A Caring, Learning Community"
School Colors
Red and Black
School Mascot
The Cardinal
School Philosophy Statement
We will continuously improve our efforts to create conditions essential for the success of all students.
Our School
Seldens Landing Elementary School opened in August 2001. Details:
43345 Coton Commons Drive, Leesburg Virginia 20176
School Hours are 8:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Office Hours are 7:40 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
Phone: 571-252-2260
Fax: 703-779-8953
Absentee call in: 571-252-2262
School Mission Statement
The mission of Seldens Landing Elementary School faculty, staff, administration, and parents are to educate children for the 21st century by providing a safe, positive learning environment responsive to the needs of individual learners. We prepare students to become independent and criticalthinkers and enable success by providing a relevant and rigorous curriculum.
Seldens Landing History
There is a Selden’s Island on the Virginia side of the Potomac. It is quite large. April 1821 Ludwell Lee and Richard H. Lee sold the island to Dr. Wilson Cary Selden, Sr. It was called EDEN ISLAND and was granted to Thomas Lee by the Crown of England. In April 1846, Mary B. Selden, widow of Wilson Cary Selden, Sr. gave it to her son. The amount of land comprised 365 acres. January, 1923 Land was deeded to George William Summers.
Why is our address Coton Commons Drive?
Coton is pronounced "coat-in." It is named after the Coton Plantation that existed in this area. Thomas Ludwell Lee, Jr. inherited the plantation from his father and made extensive additions to the manor house in 1803. He added a distillery, mill, stone kitchen-laundry, stone meat house and a frame office. In 1852, the Lee occupation of the plantation ended. The land was split and the two tracts changed hands several times before 1971 when the Xerox Corporation purchased the site.
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Website Registration and Subscriptions for Parents
As a part of our effort to "Go Green" at Seldens Landing, we will be posting as much information on our web site as possible to cut down on the use of paper. Parents can now subscribe to receive automated notifications through e-mail when updates or changes are made to our Web site, including when the monthly school newsletter has been posted. We will no longer collect email addresses to send the newsletter electronically.
You can receive E-Alerts for announcements that are made on the Web site including the monthly newsletter, when additions are made to the Seldens Landing Calendar, Announcements, when teachers post information on their pages, and emergency announcements or changes in event scheduling.
To register for this free automated service, which you have full control over, please follow these quick steps:
1. Visit the Seldens Landing home page.
2. Click Register on the home page in the top right corner of the screen.
3. Fill in the form. The yellow fields are required. You may choose your own user name (as long as it’s not already in use) and password. Submit and it will confirm your registration and prompt you to login.
4. Login using the information you just created for sign-in name and password.
5. On the top right a new button will appear saying Access My Info; click on it.
6. Scroll to the bottom and select the option Edit Subscriptions. On the Subscriptions page, change the drop down menu at the top to Seldens Landing Elementary where it now says Loudoun County Public Schools. Wait; the screen will refresh and you can make selections to which pages on the Seldens Landing site you wish to subscribe. Be sure to check the following to keep in touch:
Seldens Landing Home Page
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Seldens Landing Calendar
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Please note that you will only get an E-mail when the web site editor, or the teacher sends an E-Alert to let you know when something important has been posted.