Physical Education

Seldens Landing Elementary promotes practices that encourage students to develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. Students will participate in activities that will promote skills, teamwork, and cooperation. Students are always encouraged to have fun and try their best. 

Each class will have two 50 minute P.E classes this year. Please make sure your child comes to school ready to be active.

Here are some things that will help make PE as fun and SAFE as possible this year:

1.     Everyone MUST wear sneakers for safety on their PE days!!! Please no crocs, boots, or sandals   

2.    If you are wearing a dress/skirt please wear shorts under them. 

3.    If a student has a medical condition or injury, please send a note/medical excuse.

4.    If a student needs to miss more than one week of P.E, a doctor's note is required!

Physical Education teachers

Grading Rubric


Students will be assessed in the areas of skill performance/content taught, and appropriate behavior and safety in class.

Assessments will follow this learning progression scale:

Grading Scale

4- Student exceeds the standard.  The student was able to apply, explain, analyze, etc. what was learned.

3- Student met the standard.  The student was able to demonstrate important concepts and skills taught.

2- Students are progressing toward the standard.  The student can recall basic/some information about concepts and skills taught.  Prompting may be required

1- Student is progressing toward the standard but requires assistance. Students have a limited ability to complete tasks independently.