School Improvement Plan



Garett Brazina


Uzma Askari

Assistant Principal

Genny Stock


Raegan Sullivan


Carrie Mock


Sarah Horton


Marissa Ferry


Kathy Gims


Instructional Overview

Provide descriptive information related to the curriculum, instructional programs, and/or existing interventions to support the academic, behavioral, and/or social-emotional needs for all students.

Our school-wide evidence indicates an emphasis on professional development in reading and math instruction. Our reading program includes ongoing site-based professional development aligned with the reader’s workshop model. Mathematics instruction involves the implementation of the math workshop model, differentiated playlists, and rich math tasks. We provide personalized learning for students, and they are provided with multiple means for demonstrating mastery of the taught content. Students can complete assigned classroom activities at their own pace. Collaborative Learning Teams (CLTs) are focused on reviewing student evidence and developing instructional lessons to support student learning. Student evidence is reviewed in the following assessment tools: FASTBridge, Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), ESGI (KG) VALLSS, anecdotal records, and social and emotional evidence. The Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports program guides our social and emotional instruction approach. School counselors offer student support groups and classroom lessons that target specific topics. Students meet daily during “morning meetings,” which provide a time to develop classroom communities.

Student support includes the student intervention process through our CLTs. CLT aims for teachers to present a student's concern to their respective teams and collaborate on resources and instructional strategies.CLTs review student intervention strategies and progress monitor students.

Seldens Landing incorporates the LCPS Streamlined Guidance for Readers and Writers and Phonics curriculum K to 5 for the 2023-2024 school year.  Additional components of our balanced literacy program include (guided reading, shared reading, read-aloud, word study, and phonics instruction). We are moving into our fifth year with Personalized Learning, which is included to provide student voice/choice and to differentiate instruction. Math workshop is connected to our personalized learning and provides a differentiated approach to instruction.

Seldens Landing MTSS Committee meets monthly to assess progress toward school-wide behavior goals and interventions. It analyzes current behavior and assessment data to plan Tier I (school-wide) and Tier II interventions for student behavior. Seldens Landing students participate in morning meetings to develop classroom communities and a sense of school belonging. The staff accesses the Second Step Curriculum to conduct Morning Meetings to establish relationships and classroom norms.

Extended Learning Opportunities

Provide information to describe extended learning opportunities for students, staff, families and community.

The parent-teacher association offers after-school enrichment sessions with high-interest learning activities for students. Students identified as gifted and talented can access the FUSION program. Our gifted education teacher serves as a resource to the staff and regularly supports classroom teachers and student learning. We offer evening activities for families to gather as a community. The administrative team provides information sessions for families to learn about our instructional programs.

Areas of Strength

Summary statements for domains providing evidence of analysis of trend data over a 3-year period and data triangulation to confirm areas of strength. Provide a clear connection between outcomes and contributing factors.

Parent perceptual data indicates strong school-to-home relationships. Families indicate they receive frequent feedback on their child’s learning and regular communication from their teacher. They also indicate that Seldens provides a welcoming environment for families and that we understand the cultural differences of our students. Staff reports positive working relationships with colleagues and parents. Staff perceptual data shows they are supported in their work and professional growth. Our Reading SOL pass rates in SY 2022-2023 exceeded the county and state average pass rates overall, and our Math SOL pass rates in SY 2022-2023 exceeded county and state average pass rates.

Student perceptual data indicates the following areas of strength:
I feel like I belong at this school,

I can work with and learn from other people to solve problems together

I feel safe at this school

Staff perceptual data indicates the following areas of strength:

Staff Collegiality, School Leadership, Relationships with Families, Safety, and Workplace Environment

Parent survey data indicates the following areas of strength:

Teachers at this school care about how well my child does in school.

This school effectively communicates important information to families.

My child is taught to respect people of different cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds.

My child’s teacher provides help when my child needs it.

Overall, families report positive outcomes in Academic support, Communication, Relationships, Safety, and Bullying

Areas for Growth

Summary statements for domains providing evidence of analysis of trend data over a 3-year period and data triangulation to confirm areas of concern. Provide a clear connection between outcomes and contributing factors.


The percentage of students in tier two and tier three math intervention groups remained consistent in grades three, four, and five over the past few years.  This data supports a school improvement goal targeting students falling in the 39th or less percentile in MAP to make higher-than-average gains:

In Spring 2024, the students below the 40 Percentile in math will have a fall-to-spring average Conditional Growth Percentile of 58% or higher.        

This goal will be accomplished through the following:                              

  • CLTs will plan remediation and extension activities for groups based on student MAP data and common assessments                

  • Teachers will utilize progress monitoring assessments for students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions                

  • Teachers will participate in deeper learning around engaging students in the 5Cs         and rich math tasks        

  • Math Number Talks and CRA Professional Development at CLT meetings                

School Environment

Student and staff perceptual data indicates a need for student reflection and feedback.

The following goal has been developed within the School Improvement Plan:

By the spring of 2024, the percentage of students providing a meaningful reflection of their work will increase to 80% as measured by the annual staff perceptual survey.                                                                                                                                                    

This goal will be accomplished through the following:

  • Personalized Learning PD will be provided with an emphasis on student reflection                

  • Staff will participate in professional development around providing a variety of formative assessments.        

  • Staff will provide a variety of formative feedback in content areas                

School Improvement Goals

Strand 1

Domain 2 - Mathematics

Outcome Goal:

In Spring 2023, the students below the 40 Percentile in math will have a fall to spring average Conditional Growth Percentile of 58% or higher.

Process Goal:

Teachers will plan and deliver differentiated math instruction with components (mini lesson, number talks, small group and targeted intervention groups) through math workshop model.

Domain 1 - English Language Arts

Outcome Goal:

In Spring 2023, EL students below the 40 Percentile in reading will have a fall to spring average Conditional Growth Percentile of 50% or higher.

Process Goal:

Teachers will collaborate, plan and deliver targeted interventions for tier 2 and tier 3 EL students through the implementation of targeted instruction that aligns to specific student needs as evidenced by walkthroughs and observations.

School Improvement Goals

Strand 2

Domain 8 - Safe and Supportive Environments

Outcome Goal:

By spring of 2023, the percentage of students providing meaningful reflection of their work will increase to 80% as measured by a teacher survey.

Process Goal:

Teachers will plan and deliver a variety of student reflection activities in at least 2 out of 4 content areas daily as monitored by an assignment in Phoenix.