Family Liaison

What is a Parent Liaison?
A Parent Liaison is a parent just like you that is employed part time by LCPS.The primary role of the Parent Liaison is to empower parents to become active participants in the education of their children.
What is the Mission of the Parent Liaison?
The mission of the Parent Liaison is to empower parents by assisting with communication between school and home while positively influencing student achievement. The Parent Liaison helps parents get the information and support they need to help their children to be academically and socially successful in school.
Parent Liaisons bridge the gap between home and school in many ways!
Parent Liasions provide language assistance for those parents whose first language is not English.
Are current or former parents of LCPS students, just like you.
Relate well to people of all ethnic groups.
Ensure that confidentiality is maintained carrying out their responsibilities.
Nurture and foster collaboration between parents, teachers, students, and administrators.
Transmit and provide information to parents about the resources available in the community.
Love creating a welcoming environment for parents at school.
Increase parental involvement through workshops and volunteer opportunities.
Act as bridges to connect home and school during transitions.
Inform parents about available programs that could benefit their families.
Serve as a contact person for parents with questions about events and activities at school.
Organize and schedule meetings between you and your child's teacher.
Nicely and in an organized manner, will be glad to assist you.