At Sugarland, Wildcats are expected to follow the 4 Rs. They are:
Ready to Learn
Build Relationships

What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a systems approach for establishing a safe and supportive learning environment to promote social, behavioral, and academic success for all students and a framework (not a packaged program) for developing a common vision, language and practices used consistently across the school to:
Improve school climate;
Strengthen relationships;
Teach and reinforce expectations;
Increase positive behaviors, academic achievement and equitable learning experiences; and
Decrease office referrals and suspensions.
Loudoun County Public Schools began implementing the PBIS framework in 2007. Since 2012, all LCPS schools implement PBIS as a prevention and intervention framework. With a strong Tier 1 PBIS framework in place across the division, we are committed to identifying how we can embed, or are embedding, equitable practices into school-wide behavioral prevention practices and interventions, as well as how we can increase responsiveness to the diverse cultures and communities served by our schools.