Bus Information
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Rights & Responsibilities: Student/Parent
School Bus Safety

Passing a stopped school bus with its red traffic warning lights activated is both dangerous and illegal.
School bus transportation is statisically the safest mode of transporting students to and from school. However, loading and unloading a school bus can be dangerous. School bus drivers who are properly executing traffic stops to load and unload children are required to provide witness of vehicles that pass the school bus when red flashing warning lights are on. Please keep bus riders safe by adhering to the school bus loading and unloading rules of the road.
Codes of Virginia

School Bus Danger Zone

Accidents that occur during school bus loading and unloading are known as "danger zone" accidents. The danger zone refers to the areas extending 10 feet to the front, rear and sides of the bus, where children are in danger of being hit by passing vehicles or by their own bus.
Just as motorists must be aware of the blind spot for passenger cars, bus drivers must monitor the danger zone carefully. Although the number of fatalities incurred by danger zone accidents each year is relatively small, implementing a few simple procedures could help in bringing that number down to zero.
Stand far back from the approaching school bus while waiting at the bus stop.
Wait to board the bus until the driver says it is safe.
When getting off the bus, walk well in front of the bus and make sure the driver sees you.
Always watch for oncoming traffic when approaching or leaving the bus.
Keep all loose items in your backpack. If you drop something outside of the bus, ask the driver for help.