Douglass School Renovations
The Douglass School was constructed in 1941 on land that was purchased by the African-American community and transferred to the School Board to secure a facility for the secondary education of their children. The Douglass School was the only African-American high school in Loudoun County until the end of segregation in 1968. The building is listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places.
The Douglass School, which currently houses the LCPS Alternative Education program and Loudoun County Parks and Recreation programs, is scheduled to be renovated, beginning in the summer of 2021, when the Alternative Education Program moves to The North Star School in Leesburg. The renovated Douglass School is scheduled to reopen in 2022.
LCPS plans to locate its English Learners (EL) Welcome Center, Head Start, STEP (Starting Towards Excellence in Preschool) and Child Find programs into the renovated Douglass School, as well as limited administrative office space and Loudoun County Parks and Recreation programs.
Beyond these plans, no commitments have been made for future community uses of the Douglass School.
Project Updates & Commemorative Concepts Presentation
The Douglass High School Renovation has continued to progress in design since the last public meeting held in February 2020, pre-COVID. We continue to consider the input received to inform the design. Based on initial input, LCPS offers a presentation on Commemorative Concepts. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sharing this presentation electronically.
Please see our presentation Douglass High School Renovation Commemorative Concepts Click here to watch the presentation!
The purpose of the Commemorative Concepts Presentation is to collect additional input focusing on ways in which the important history of the Douglass High School could be shared within the building and the site. The concepts and images shared in the presentation are examples intended to generate initial feedback. No decisions have been made; the presentation includes formats from a variety of places to illustrate the various forms/media that could be utilized.
LCPS is seeking public input and comments on these concepts and formats of interest for interpretative display or commemorative strategies by early January 2021. Development of the content of potential displays will follow. This process will continue to run concurrent to the project’s design development and construction initiation.
Input and feedback can be provided to LCPS staff via email at Email Douglass School Renovations or by calling the Construction Services Division at (571) 252-1161.
Douglass High School is located at 407 E. Market Street in Leesburg.
Directions to Douglass Community Center
Commemorative Committee Meeting Documents
Agendas and Meeting Minutes