Project Name: HS-14
The School Board Adopted FY2024 and FY2025 Capital Improvement Program provided funding for the design and construction of High School 14. The high school will be built using a multi-story design. The estimated 330,000-345,000 square foot building will serve students in grades nine through twelve. With an anticipated capacity of 2,100 students, the high school will include classrooms, cafeteria, auditorium, media center, gymnasium, an auxiliary gymnasium, outdoor physical education fields, and other associated spaces to support the high school program. The high school stadium will hold 5,000 spectators to host larger, regional athletic events and an expanded gymnasium will hold up to 3,000 spectators. HS14 is planned in the Dulles North Planning District, to be collocated with Watson Mountain MS (MS14), a future elementary school (ES36), and other public uses on a LCPS owned site. The new school is anticipated to open in Fall 2028 (2028-2029 school year).