Park View High School Replacement Project
Project Name: Park View High School Replacement
The School Board Adopted FY2024-FY2029 Capital Improvement Program funds the Park View High School Replacement project. The project involves the construction of an estimated 295,000 square foot building which will serve students in grades nine through twelve. With an anticipated capacity of 1,800, the high school will include classrooms, cafeteria, auditorium, media center, gymnasium, an auxiliary gymnasium, outdoor physical education fields, and other associated spaces to support the high school program. The project involves the construction of the new school on the current stadium and athletic fields; upon completion of new facility, the existing school building will be razed and new outdoor athletic facilities will be constructed where the former school was sited. The new school is anticipated to open in fall 2027 (2027-2028 school year) and the new outdoor athletic facilities complete by the start of the 2028-2029 school year.