Preschool Child Find

Little boy looking through a magnifying glass

The Preschool Child Find office determines whether preschool-age children (2 through 5 years old) have an educational disability and require special education services. 

If you have concerns about your preschool-age child's development and think they may need special education services...
Please complete the
 LCPS Preschool Child Find Multi-Purpose Referral Form
or call
571-252-2180 or Email to request an appointment with the Preschool Child Find office. 

Our appointments are held at the Preschool Child Find Office located at the Historic Douglass High School, 407 E Market Street, Leesburg, Virginia. Scroll to the bottom of this page for more details about the appointment and Preschool Child.

Interested in preschool for your child? Click Here: LCPS Preschool Programs

Free developmental appointments are available for PRESCHOOL children ages 2 (by September 30) to 5 (NOT age-eligible or registered for Kindergarten). Once your child is age-eligible and can be registered for Kindergarten, please contact the school that they will be attending to discuss your concerns.

Don't want an appointment? Just looking for some things to do and/or resources? Check out our 'Helpful Links', 'Helpful Links for Parents of Preschoolers During School Closure', 'While We Are At Home Together', and our 'Preschool Child Find Chat Presentation Series' tabs.

Frequently Asked Questions